It’s Wednesday!

What a lovely warm spring day it was today. This morning we enjoyed the warm weather playing in the yard. Zander, Ellie and Harley were loving the water trough filled with cups and funnel that was set out on the grass. Asher was having fun rolling down the small hill on the bike. Kaylee was enjoying the Lego that was set out on under the verandah. Our friend Mia was very excited to see the soccer man arrive. She ran straight over to begin the lesson.

For morning tea we had frozen fruit icy poles! Senior Kindy were so excited to have a try of the delicious cold snack. Inside at group time we sang along to our new morning song called “Hello”. Then we played our circle game where we introduced our name to everyone. Today we also told each other what our favourite food is. Asher and Zander both said their favourite was “Spaghetti”. Ellie said “Porridge” and Harley said “Cracker”. Its great to see that every day we are playing this game it is opening some of our friends up just that little bit more.

As the weather was so lovely, we decided to continue to enjoy it by bringing our activities outside on the shaded veranda. Harley asked if we could play with the water trough again, so we used our muscles to bring it around the corner. Kaylee was mesmerized by the bubbly blue water as she filled up a funnel and then watched as it poured out the bottom back into the trough.

Our friend Ellie asked if we could do painting, so we brought out the two easels, paper and some paint colours. It was such a nice space to interact with each other and enjoy our experiences. Once inside we had free play time. Mia was straight into the home corner inviting her friends to play families with her. On the tables we had our big farm puzzle and construction blocks to use our problem-solving skills. Before Lunch we had a dance party playing musical statues and musical animals. Ella was giggling away at her friends, jumping around and screaming with excitement. To calm our bodies down before lunch we continued with the children’s love for fairy tale stories listening to a short story called ‘Three little Pigs’ on the computer.

Hope you all enjoy your afternoon

Miss TJ