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Happy Wednesday!

What a beautiful sunny day we have had today. The Senior Kindy children enjoyed the beautiful weather outside in the yard this morning. Ellie was playing under the beach umbrella in the sandpit with a Pre-kindy friend, India. Zander and Asher were driving each other around on the bikes. Lily enjoyed a nice relaxing swing together with other children.

Inside at morning tea Miss TJ asked the children what they would like to do today. Children’s voice:

Zander- Dinosaurs

Ellie- Play dough with cookie cutters

Asher- Home corner

Lily- Dancing

While Miss TJ set up the activities the group made their way over to the reading area and investigated the new box of books that got donated to our kindy. The children chose a story and were really invested in their chosen books. We found a book called ‘Piranhas don’t eat banana’s!’ which was a bit of a giggle to read.

Over on the play dough table the children were using the cookie cutters to push into their dough and then then break the leftovers away. They couldn’t wait to show everyone their shape. The children also used the other tools to mould their dough. Children’s voice:

Ellie- I’m making a gummy teddy bear

Zander- I’m making a snowman

Lily- I’m a builder (Lily was using the wooden rolling pin as a hammer to hit her play dough)

Asher went over to the home corner to grab the doctor’s kit glasses while he played with the box of Lego. He said, “The dentist wears glasses too”. Zander had a play over at the dinosaur small world set up. He loved role playing stories about the dinosaurs fighting and eating food. He said, “I’m digging with my hands” while using the dinosaur to dig.

Ella was so excited, jumping around with the class to some dance music. Lily, Zander and Asher went over to the dress ups and got ready for some dancing. We danced along to The Fairies playlist and some tunes from the Wiggles. Ella was showing off the wiggles dance moves and her friends joined in too.  The group started a game where they held hands and spun around in a circle. A few children kept falling over and this made everyone’s belly laugh so much!

The Senior Kindy are so beautiful! They are always using kind words and looking out for each other. The group plays so nicely together. I feel so lucky to have them in my class!

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss TJ