Good afternoon friends and family and happy Wednesday!
This morning in the Senior Kindy room the Harley, Zander, Asher and Ellie all enjoyed a group time in the Teepee of our Book nook. We sang ’10 little Indians’. We practiced counting to 10 with our fingers and doing other action using our hands such as making a teepee, lighting a fire and shooting an arrow. Zander chose ‘My first book of Animal Babies’ as our morning story book. We went through the book naming the animals and what their babies were called. Before heading off to play Miss TJ asked each of the children what they wanting to play today and they all answered “The kitchen”. They were all so excited to see the new Velcro fruit set that Miss TJ brought in today. Asher and Zander were first to have a turn at cutting up the fruit in the home corner. Zander said “Lets hatch the egg and see what’s inside”. Asher Cut up all the fruit in front of him and then matched the pieces pushing them back together. When Ellie came over she said “Good job Asher and Zander” when she saw all the food that they had cut up. Harley and Ellie then had a go at cutting up the food doing a great job at cutting on the chopping board.
On the table we had out wooden stones for the children to building and balance with. The stones are all different sizes so Harley and Ellie had to use their problem solving skills to try and balance a few stones on top of each other. Continuing on from our learning of Small, Medium and Big sizes when reading our fairy tale stories Miss TJ had the opportunity to ask Ellie where the small, medium and big stones were which she then pointed to each size. Harley was fascinated by our babushka dolls which he pulled apart and can visibly see different sizes too.
The children also enjoyed our new Zoob construction activity. Asher loved looking through the small magazine of things that you can make with the Zoob pieces. Asher and Zander both use their fine motor skills to join the pieces together to try and create the picture on the magazine.
Some other activities that the children enjoyed inside were the Doll house and the coloured pin boards which is also a great fine motor activity for the children to practice hand eye coordination.
Outside Harley pushed everyone on the swing. Ellie drove around on the scooter and Zander and Asher built some confidence on the bikes doing a great job at riding around the hill.
Coming inside we had a relaxation session after our big play. Miss TJ taught us about ‘Belly Breathing’ which is a great practice for ourselves when we feel like we have got a monster inside of us and we need to calm down. It’s about putting our hands on our bellies, finding a nice area to lay down or sit and doing a couple big breaths. We then watched a short clip of Elmo singing a song about Belly breathing and showing us how Belly breathing can help us.
Hope you all have a lovely afternoon
Miss TJ