Good afternoon Senior Kindy families, continuing on from exploring science experiments this week we expanded on our interest in this topic. Today we introduced food into our play, we used oreos and caramel flavoured popcorn to resemble dirt and rocks. An animal/ digger world was set up for the children to engage in. We used roads, created some trees using branches and playdough, rocks and dirt using our food and set the diggers up on the road. As the children engaged in this activity we developed on our sense of smell, touch, taste, feel and developed on our social skills as we learnt to take turns and gain a better understanding of feelings.
We were also very excited to explore a new marble run today which required us to use our cognitive skills as we took turns and built a really awesome marble run. The children connected the magnetic blocks together and maneuvered the marble tunnels around the blocks, we had so much fun as we interacted with one another. We will see you all again tomorrow for another fun day of exploring more science experiments, love Miss Alicia, Miss Bec and Miss Aliyah xx