Hello and welcome family and friends to our fun day in the Toddler 1 room 😊

This morning Miss Leesa, Miss Lyn and Miss Jess welcome 10 bundles of joy! Connor, Joey, William, Harry, Harvey, Harper, Ryan, Ivy, Kyro and our new friend Milli 😁

Today we started the morning outside having a great play with our friends and exploring different toys! Most friends thought the obstacle course was pretty cool as well as the puzzle connectors! After our big outside play it was time to head on inside for a cool down and group time 😊 All friends sat nicely on the carpet with Miss Leesa as they read group time books. Soon after it was time to free play and self selection which toys or activities they would like to participate in. Some chose to play with the playdough while others found the car set pretty interesting. Milli had a great time in home corner! Milli has settled so well in this class, she has developed relationships with her teachers as well as peers 😊
Before we got ready for lunch Connor had something very interesting to show his friends and teachers! Inside his ice cream container was a very very veryyyyy long snake skin from a python!! All friends were rather intrigued by this and they couldn’t stop looking at it as Miss Jess held it up! Thank you for sharing with us Connor!
This afternoon all friends enjoyed puppet time with Miss Leesa before getting ready to head outside to enjoy the beautiful weather 😊 so much fun was had today!

Thankyou Toddler 1 for the great day, see you all soon

Miss Leesa, Miss Lyn and Miss Jess xx