Happy Friday families and friends!
Today in the Toddler room the children were excited to paint a ladybug using pretty glitter paint as we continued on with our theme of birds, bugs and reptiles. The children helped count the spots on the ladybugs back as they spread paint across their picture. Miss Lyn explained that we can find ladybugs in the garden and they are very small.
Miss Jen then arrived for Funky Feet Dance. The children who wanted to join in today made their way outdoors to engage in dance on the stage. The children had a wonderful time jumping, skipping, playing follow the leader and musical statues on the stage. To further extend on this experience Miss Lyn collected the superhero capes donated recently by Harper’s grandmother Eve, to play dress-ups and continue on dancing indoors.
Other play experiences today included building big long train tracks for the magnetic trains, role play in home corner, playing the matching game with the picture cards and crayon drawing.
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa and Miss Lyn