Hi families! hoping you’ve had a great day.

Today we started out our day inside for a little play with books, train tracks and the blocks. When it became warmer we moved outside to have a nice play outside! We played with bikes, the sandpit and we really enjoyed chasing each other playing tag.

When we were outside, we put on some music for the children to have a little bit of a boogie. We danced to the wiggles, and lots of Disney songs! Before we came inside we all sat down on the step and sang our morning songs, our good morning song, our acknowledgement to country and when it was time to come inside, we washed our hands, sung our hand washing song and grabbed our drink bottles ready to sit down for morning tea.

After morning tea, Miss Steph decided to bring out the special new toys she got for our friends on the weekend! We got a special new bus pusher, the children loved this and shared so well this morning. She also got us lots of trucks since we are all loving the trucks at the moment.

Please enjoy our moments we enjoyed from today

Love Miss Steph and Miss Danna