Happy Monday families and friends!
This week in the Toddler room the children will be learning all about insects and bugs! Today the children were given the opportunity to paint bumble bees using the glitter paint and cotton buds as we engaged in conversation about how bees make honey and we have to be careful not to touch bees because they can sting.
Yarn time we shared a story about a bee entitled, ‘The Very Greedy Bee’. We discovered in the storyline that bees collect nectar from flowers to make the honey however this bee was a bit too greedy and slurped all the pollen and nectar to himself. The greedy bee soon learnt that its important to share with his friends
The children then requested the puppets and felts. Today we sang along to Little Turtle, Galomp, See the Little Crocodile and Mousey Brown. Other play experinces today included transport play with the garage set, painting rainbows using the fluro pens and playing dress-ups in homecorner.
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa and Miss Lyn