07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good afternoon families and friends. Welcome to fun day Monday in Toddler One, and what fun we have had! Miss Jade was the one to discover our mischievous little elf today, swinging from the banner on our classroom window and peaking out into the foyer.

The children are very excited about Christmas, so this week we are carrying on with our Christmas craft, art and stories. Madelyn chose to explore the trains, planes and cars on the car mat. Colton was excited to see the pattern made by our Christmas stamps during an art activity. Other experiences the children engaged in today included the magnetic connectors with Miss Jade. Ivy, Colton, Harvey, Banjo and Kyro all engaged in train track play. Home corner was popular with Harry and Rosie baking many treats. Madelyn also initiated  a lunch time conversation with her friend Kyro about the yummy nachos they were eating for lunch. Lots of chit chat at the lunch table. Yarntime today was children’s choice of books, with the books Big Machines and Macca’s Christmas Crackers being chosen. We look forward to seeing all our friends again tomorrow. Love from Miss Lyn and Miss Jade xx