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Happy Thursday families and friends!

Today in the Toddler room we kept super busy with a variety of fun learning experiences. In the morning the children were very excited to carefully observe the bobcat digging in the carpark. The children watched on as the digger pulled out the garden and manoeuvred the dirt. What a fun experience as the children are given the opportunity to witness their playground being transformed.

Indoors the children explored the room and were provided with many opportunities to play and engage in experiences of their choice. This week we have been practising to play in pairs and small groups with our peers and today the children demonstrated beautifully how they can enjoy time with their friends as they built and constructed with the lego set, identified and negotiated roles during home corner play and sang rhymes and songs with the finger puppets.

To further extend on yesterday’s sensory playdough play, today we decided to add the farm animal figurines and wooden logs to play with the green playdough. The children built towers and counted the logs and utilised the animals to role play with the dough. Miss Lyn prepared a painting experience for the children. The group quickly gathered around the table, patiently waiting their turn to paint with the colours and cotton buds. The children helped each other identify the colours as they painted.

Mr. Dan then joined us for ARAKAN. The children who wanted to participate gathered at the door with their hats to join him outdoors. Indoors our friends helped pack away for yarn time. Today Miss Lyn shared stories about colours and animals. All the children then gathered on the mat for dancing with the rainbow ribbons. The children really enjoy expressing themselves through movement and holding hands and dancing in pairs.

WOW… What a wonderfully busy day at kindy today…

Love Miss Leesa, Jess and Lyn…