Welcome to Thursday in Toddler One room. We began our morning by practising our climbing skills in the outdoor playground and making sandcastles in the sandpit. Once inside we continued our Australia Day theme as some of our friends chose to have their photo taken wearing sunglasses and we also made some Vegemite scrolls, where the children showed fantastic turn taking skills as they each waited patiently to help Miss Thais. Other activities we have enjoyed today are – Construction play with the train track as we worked as a group to create a huge track that we could all drive the trains on – Singing our transition song “5 Currant Buns”, listening to Brown Bear (children’s request) … We are also continuing our self helps skills f washing our hands after our meals and using Swish & Swirl to rinse our mouths after eating. We look forward to seeing you this evening our Australia Day BBQ / Bushfire Fundraiser between 5 – 6pm. Love from Miss Lyn & Miss Thais xx
Jan 23, 2020