Happy Thursday families and friends….

Today in the Toddler room we continued on with water play in the playground. Harper and Connor helped Miss Leesa fill the wheelbarrows with water from the hose and then carefully push the wheelbarrows all the way to the sandpit, trying not to spill on the way. Connor said, ‘its heavy Miss Leesa’ as he helped lift the wheelbarrow into the sandpit. The children then had a wonderful time measuring and pouring the water into the cups and buckets and getting just a little bit wet. Harvey and Taran observed that the sand was cold on their hands and a bit sticky on their fingers.

Indoor play today, Miss Lyn prepared a confetti and pom pom collage art experience. The children quickly gathered at the table to take their turn. The children demonstrated wonderful fine motor skills as they spread glue all over their page using cotton buds and then selected colourful pom poms to press down on the glue. Evie, Ivy and Colton .L. noticed the glue and confetti sticking to their fingers! Ooops.

Yarn time today Alek, Colton Y and Vaughn helped choose some of their favourite story books. Today the children chose ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘Wombat went-a-Walking’. The children helped identify all the different foods in the hungry caterpillar and all the Australian animals in the wombat book. Well Done Friends!!!

Other play experiences today included construction play with the lego, baby doll play, building with the wooden tracks and doll house play. Some of our freinds chose to join Mr Daniel for ARAKAN where they played games and practised their martial arts skills.

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Lyn..

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