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Happy Thursday Toddler families and friends…

Today the children explored the room searching for our little ‘elf ‘ who decided to find a new hiding spot overnight. The children were so excited to discover our cheeky little elf hiding in a hat pocket on the wall! Uh Oh…

Yarn time today we sang along to some of our new favourite Christmas jingles including Twinkle, Twinkle Christmas Star, Santa has a Red, Red Coat and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Miss Leesa then collected the rainbow ribbons and super hero capes and the children danced and pretended to fly while moving about to Jingle Bell Rock and Santa Clause is Coming to Town…

The children then gathered at the table to create patterns with the Christmas themed cookie cutters as they dipped the shapes into the paint and printed Santa’s, Stars and Christmas trees across their page. Millie and Evie requested the Christmas playdough again for sensory play. The children have really enjoyed engaging in this type of play recently and are learning  to take turns with the playdough resources.

Other play experiences today included building a big long track for the trains, sharing transport books with Miss Jade and role play in home corner with the baby dolls and their accessories.

Until next time..

Love Miss Leesa, Miss Lyn and Miss Jade