Good afternoon Toddler One families and friends.
. Today the Toddler children engaged in a variety of fun play and learning experiences. There was lots of role play with the doll houses as the children set up the dolls furniture and enjoyed small group play as they practised their turn taking skills and engaged in conversation. Some friends enjoyed building towers with the duplo as the children counted and helped identify the colours and giggled when the towers came crashing down. Mr Dan then arrived for ARAKAN. The children were so excited as they gathered a pillow each to stand on and waited patiently for Mr Dan’s directions. The children really enjoy their ARAKAN sessions and are improving each week as they practise their Martial Arts skills. The children then gathered at the art/craft table with Miss Lyn as they had their feet painted to make Koala footprints. The children noticed the paint was cold on their feet and tickled as Miss Lyn painted. The Toddler friends were then given the opportunity to paint on the recycled cardboard. The children decided they were painting spiders and bugs. Yarn time today we shared our new favourite story ‘Where is the Green Sheep?’. The Toddlers have been showing more interest in story time recently and often request their favourite book from the shelf.
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa, Miss Lyn, Miss Octavia and Miss Bec