Happy Tuesday families and friends!

This morning the children were excited to venture outdoors to explore the playground after all the wet weather. Colton and Ryan observed that the sand was all wet from the rain and so much fun to play with and great for making sandcastles. Harper enjoyed making her way around the bike track on the big 3-wheeler pedal bike and Tobias and Banjo were very busy pushing and playing with the wheelbarrows in the sandpit. Harrison helped push some of his Toddler friends on the big swing and Kyro pretended to drive the outdoor car to the shops.

The children then transitioned indoors for our ‘Acknowledgment to Country’ and ‘Good morning Songs’. The Toddler friends have also been practising our handwashing song and transition song to the bathroom. Today all the children identified their own name as we all sang ‘What do you think your name is, I wonder if you know? After morning tea the children happily explored the room and engaged in free-choice play. Dallas and Latika collected chairs from the meal tables and set them up around the home corner table. Finley and Ivy soon joined in and the children set up a tea party with the plates, bowls, pretend food and recycled containers. Soon many more Toddler friends  had joined in on the festivity to engage in the role play experience. Bjorn and Lachlan confidently worked in pairs in the construction play space as they built a ‘house’ with the magnetic blocks.

Miss Lyn prepared a craft experience for the children as we prepare for Valentines Day this Friday. Today the children continued on with collaging love hearts with the recycled collage materials. Yarn time we shared one of our favourite stories entitled, “I Love My Mummy”. We thought it would be fun this week to engage in conversation about why we love our family and friends as we prepare for Valentines Day.

Other play experiences today included sensory playdough play, construction play with the lego and singing along with the felts and puppets.

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa, Miss Lyn and Miss Thais