Happy Tuesday families and friends!
Well… What a wonderfully busy day of fun and play in the Toddler room today. This morning we enjoyed exploring the great outdoors. The children pushed and raced the red wheelbarrows around the fort, built towers with the river rocks and engaged in sensory sand play.
The children then transitioned indoors for our morning yarn time and stories. After morning tea the children happily set about navigating the room and choosing their favourite play experiences. Today the children chose building big long tracks for the magnetic trains, role playing in home corner, playing dress-ups as the children identified and negotiated roles. Transport play and building trucks with the lego was great fun as well as sharing some of our favourite story books on the mat. Crayon drawing has become one of our favourite experiences as the children confidently help themselves to the resoucres and express their creativty and use of imagination to create pictures.
Miss Gabby then joined us for yoga as the children joined in to play games, sing, pose, use their imagination and practise their listening skills and gross motor coordination skills. Well done friends!
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa, Miss Jess and Miss Danica