Happy Tuesday families and friends.

Today in the Toddler room we continued on with our sea creature theme. Yarn time we shared a story about a little sea turtle that goes on an adventure through the sea and discovers lots of friends along the way entitled ‘Into the Ocean’. We also shared songs about sea animals including 3 Jelly Fish, 1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive and I had a Little Turtle. The children were then given the opportunity to express their creativity using the sponges to paint sea creatures. Most Toddler friends decided to paint jelly fish like the ones in the yarn time story today.

We continued on with practising our meal time self-help skills as the children confidently displayed their ability to use their forks and spoons to enjoy their pasta dish for big lunch. The children also helped pack away their dishes and place their drinks in the fridge for afternoonn tea time.

Other play experiences today included building big long tracks for the magnetic trains, role-play in home corner cooking and cleaning and singing along  to some of our favourite songs and rhymes with the felt sroires.

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa, Miss Lyn and Miss Thais.