Happy Tuesday toddler one families and friends and welcome to another fun day. Outside this morning we practised our fine and gross motor skills as rode our bikes, climbed obstacle course and navigated our way around our playground. Then after morning tea we carried on with our jungle theme art and craft activities, with some of the children creating monkeys to hang on our display (which will be up by Friday) … others chose to role play with the jungle animals on the mat, and extended on this with the play dough, where they stomped animal tracks across the dough.

Other activities engaged in today included – Yarn time, with Miss Leesa reading the story of “The Very Noisy Bear”, saying our acknowledgment to country and singing our good morning and transition songs, felt puppets on our felt board, as well as continuing to practise our self help skills as we pack away our activities after morning play. Some of the children enjoyed sitting quietly and looking through books from our book shelves. What a fun day and we are excited to see where our jungle adventure leads us tomorrow.

Love from Miss Leesa, Miss Lyn & Miss Thais. xxx