Happy Tuesday families and friends!!!
What a wonderfully busy day of fun and play in the Toddler room today. We started the day off with play in the new playground, engaging in sand play, practising our ball skills playing soccer and taking turns on the dinosaur see-saws. We then transitioned indoors for our acknowledgment to country and good morning songs.
After a delicious feast of fresh fruit and yoghurt for morning tea the children set about exploring the indoor environment and observing that the play spaces had been rearranged since last week. The children quickly made their way to the home corner area where they played dress ups and pretended to cook in the kitchen The children also spent time building towers and counting with the Duplo blocks on the mat with Miss Jade.
Miss Lyn collected the playdough and rollers and the children gathered at the table to knead and roll the dough to make snakes and pancakes. Some friends started decorating their Christmas gifts using glitter paint and sequins, while some friends settled on the mat for story time with Miss Blaire.
Yarn time we shared one of our favourite stories entitled ‘My Daddy ate an Apple’ as well as singing some of our favourite song and rhymes with the puppets including Little Turtle, What do you think my name is? and Row your boat…
Until next time..
Love Miss Leesa, Miss Lyn and Miss Danica