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Hello families and friends and welcome to another fabulous day of fun and play in the Toddler room today…

Today we kept busy with a variety of Christmas themed experiences. Miss Lyn prepared an art collage and painting experience for the children to express their creativity. Miss Jade prepared a table with playdough materials for the children to engage in sensory play. Miss Leesa collected some of the children’s favourite books from the shelf including ‘Macca’s Christmas Crackers’ where the children excitedly engaged in conversation about Santa and decorating their Christmas trees at home.

Ryan and Miss Leesa then discovered the ‘elf on the shelf’ near the books. The children were thrilled to find the elf and were excited that they will be able to go a search for the elf again tomorrow!

Other play experiences today included dancing to Christmas songs and jingles with the rainbow ribbons, working collaboratively together to build tall towers with the Duplo blocks and transport play…

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa, Miss Lyn and Miss Jade