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Happy Tuesday families and friends!

What a wonderful day of fun and play in the Toddler room today. This morning we continued on with our bugs and birds theme as Miss Lyn prepared a collage experience where the children glued confetti onto a pretty parrot to create a ‘rainbow’ parrot. The children noticed the confetti sticking to their fingers and changing the colour of their hands as the glue wet the confetti.

The children were then excited to explore the new home corner play cupboard as they engaged in role, identified and negotiated roles, pretending to cook and engage in dress-up play.

Other play experiences today included construction play with the lego set, sharing books in book area, baby doll play, role play with the animal figurines and singing along to some of our favourite songs and rhymes with the puppets and felts.

Yarn time we shared the “Five Little Ducks’ story to carry on with our bird theme today. The children helped count the ducks and identify all the different animals found in the pond as we read.

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa, Miss Lyn and Miss Jade