Hello families and friends! Happy Wednesday!!!
Today in the Toddler room we continued on with our role-play experiences as the children took care of the baby dolls. Ivy requested the cloth nappies for the dolls as all the children gathered on the mat to observe Miss Leesa demonstrating how to place the nappies on the little babies. The children then cuddled the dolls as we rocked them and sang lullabies to put them to sleep. This afternoon we are going to give the babies a bubble bath in the tub. We thought this would be a fun experience and extension on this interest while we play indoors due to the playground renovation.
Harvey requested the lego again today. The children really enjoy construction play and using their imagination to design and create. Today the children built farms and transport vehicles which they proudly showed off to their peers. Millie requested painting today for our art experience. Miss Lyn collected the fluro paint pens and all the children gathered around the table patiently waiting their turn. This painting experience then transitioned into crayon drawing. The children continue to enjoy expressing their creativity via drawing and painting. Today we painted ‘rainbows’ and drew ‘diggers’ like the ones in the playground.
Other play experiences today included building tracks for the trains, sharing books in book area and sharing a story about a baby and her family for yarn time entitled ‘Lets Go Baby-O”.
Until next time…
Love Miss Leesa and Miss Lyn