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Happy Wednesday families and friends…

What a super fun day of learning and play in the Toddler room today. This morning we started off with our ‘Acknowledgment to Country’ and practised our handwashing and transition song ‘5 Currant Buns’ as we prepared for morning tea. The children have also been practising their self-help skills this week as they scrape their leftovers in the bin and stack their dishes after meal times.  Well Done Toddler Friends!

Today we continued  on with our ‘Transport’ theme as the children were given the opportunity to create stripes and patterns, as they engaged in car track painting. The children were excited to dip the wheels in the paint and then observe the colours spread across their page as they pushed the cars back and forth. Yarn time we shared more stories about transport as we read a book about a big truck travelling in the city and shared the Big Machines book again upon the children’s request.

Other play experiences today included practising our problem solving skills matching the lids to the recycled containers, singing some of our favourite songs and rhymes with puppets, building tracks for the magnetic trains, sleeping  bunnies and building towers with the mega blocks.

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa, Miss Lyn and Miss Thais