Happy Wednesday families and friends!!!

WOW!!! What a wonderfully busy day of fun and play in the Toddler room today!

We started the day off in the great outdoors enjoying water play in the sandpit. The children worked collaboratively together to create sand castles with the buckets and cups. Tunnel play and climbing and balancing on the obstacle course was challenging too.

We then transitioned indoors to engage in a variety of play opportunities. Miss Lyn prepared a collage/gluing experience. The children carefully selected coloured pieces of wool to press down onto the paper, identifying colours as they glued and observing that the wool was soft to touch.

We wished Miss Jordan a Happy Birthday today as she sat with some of her little friends to share books in our cosy book corner. Construction play continues to be one of our favourite experiences as the children use their imagination to build. Home corner play was popular today as the children set about cooking dinner and serving meals to each other.

Yarn time  the children gathered on the mat to share some of our favourite storybooks. Today the children chose Brown Bear, and the Jolly Olly Octopus…

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa, Miss Lyn and Miss Jordan