Happy Wednesday families and friends!
This morning after a big play in the great outdoors, observing the diggers, building towers with the large duplo blocks and climbing and balancing on the obstacle course the children transitioned indoors for delicious fruit salad and fruit bread for morning tea! Yum!
Today in the Toddler room the children were excited to continue on with our Halloween themed art experiences. The children gathered at the craft table patiently waiting for their turn to decorate a black spider with glitter paint. Miss Lyn then helped the children count 8 legs for their spiders using green pipe cleaners.
The children were then given the opportunity to engage in sensory playdough where we continued on with our Halloween theme as the children made snakes, more spiders and little pumpkins with the blue playdough.
Other play experiences today included transport play, building tracks for the magnetic trains, puzzle play and role play with the animal figurines. Yarn time today we shared felt stories and puppets including Little Turtle, Incy Wincy Spider, Row your Boat and 3 Cheeky Monkeys.
Until next time..
Love Miss Leesa, Miss Lyn and Miss Jade.