Happy Wednesday families and friends! Today in the Toddler room we celebrated Colton’s second birthday as we sang Happy Birthday and shared  yummy Hot Wheels cake for afternoon tea.  We continued on with our transport theme today as the children happily engaged in digger play in the sandpit, and raced the dump trucks down the hill in the playground. Indoors the children chose the concrete mixer truck picture to colour with crayon as the children  identified the colours of the crayons and the features of the truck as they coloured. Some of our friends kept bust building and constructing big trucks with the lego, while Miss Leesa shared some of our favourite train books. The children also requested the ‘Big Machines’ big book as we all gathered on the mat to choose our favourite digger. Connor noticed that he had a fire engine on his t-shirt like the big fire engine in the book, so we then sang the fire truck song and the children joined in with the actions.

Other play experiences today included making a picnic on the mat with the tea set and recycled boxes, doll house play, transport puzzle play, sharing story books, sleeping bunnies and crocodiles, train play and baby doll play.

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Nikki