Hello families and friends! We welcome our friends Lachlan H, Luca, Dominic and Latika in Toddler two Room. Charlotte and Quinn joined Toddler one Room. The children then prepared to go outside by putting on sunscreen where they could practice their skills and helped themselves.

We started our day off in the great outdoors, digging in the sand, playing with balls, sliding down the balance beam..

Morning later we joined Toddler one Room for Funky feet dance session! Everyone participated very well during dance activity!!

It was then time to transition inside where we had a delicious morning tea. Lachlan H, Luca and Dominic could show us how good they are feed themselves by using a spoon. Latika was busy eating cracker`s and fruit.

Later Miss Thais brought some coloured blocks where they could practice their motor skills by trying to join the blocks together. After they decided to walk in the blocks and everyone had a turn!

Was a lovely day in Toddler two Room today!

Have a good weekend!!!

Miss Thais