Welcome back we hope you all had a wonderful weekend, today Miss Shelby and Miss Thais welcome our friends Quinn, Hendrix, Alanis, Lachlan H, Ivy, Lachlan B, Charlotte and Luca.

Our goal is for the children to wear their hats outside, our friends Ivy, Lachlan B, Luca, Lachlan H  and Quinn did a great job at wearing their hat on their head.

Miss Shelby extended on the children interest of puppets last week by singing song with her special puppets and resources, together the children joined Miss Shelby while she sang 5 little ducks using the mother duck hand puppet and the 5 baby duck finger puppets, baa baa black sheep, 5 cheeky monkeys with the crocodile hand puppet and 5 fat sausages using the play fry pan and sausage props.

The children were really engaged in the group time, interacting with Miss Shelby as she used the puppets to sing songs. Everyone also got to explore the puppets and were interested in putting the baby duck finger puppets on their own fingers. When Miss Shelby brought the sheep hand puppet out Lachlan B responded with excitement saying ”look it’s baa baa”.

Everyone loved showing kindness and love to our puppet friends as they gave Croc the crocodile cuddles and kisses and Baa Baa the sheep big cuddles and kisses.


Today the children got their hand prints painted by Miss Thais we will be created for some special art work, they helped Miss Thais by pressing their hands down onto the paper to create their pink or blue hand prints.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais