Happy Monday Everyone!!! we hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather we had.

Today we welcome our friends Hendrix, Ivy, Lachlan H, Luca,Charlotte, Kyro and Lachlan B with Miss Shelby and Miss Thais

This morning our friends Ivy and Harvey joined Miss Shelby and the toddler two children to read some stories, together they looked at the different flip flap animals in the Peek a boo Let’s play book with Hendrix saying ”boo” when he opened the flap on the panda.  Lachlan H and Luca recognised themselves in mirror while Miss Shelby read peek a boo in the Hello Baby ! book and Ivy touched the fluffy wings on the blue bird in the colours flip, flap, touch book.

Miss Shelby also did body part recognition by singing heads, shoulders, knees and toes- Ivy pointed to where her mouth was and also showed Miss Shelby her tongue, Charlotte knew where her head was as she put her hands on her head, Hendrix touched his chin and said ”chin”, Kyro could recognise his nose by touching it and Luca showed Miss Shelby where both his ears were.

Today the children created their father’s day craft, they used their creative skills, fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills to paint using different coloured paint and think paint brushes.

Ivy enjoyed getting her foot painted by Miss Thais to create her father’s day card.

Reminder Special Father’s day afternoon event- This Thursday Evening 5pm to 6 pm