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Well the week is nearly over and what a wonderful and busy week of learning we have had here in the toddlers two room with Miss Shelby and Miss Thais, today we welcome our friends Luca, Latika, Charlotte, Domini, Ivy , Hendrix and Alanis.

Today we continued with our learning of recycling by painting some recycling signs with green coloured glitter paint, while doing her painting Latika was observed dabbing the paint brush up and down while she painted the paper, while watching her Charlotte said ” dab, dab, dab.

Ivy ,Charlotte and Hendrix helped Miss Shelby stick on the signs for our recycling boxes we painted, sticking on the general waste sign on the green box and the recycling sign on the yellow box. Ivy and Hendrix helped by holding down the paper sign while Miss Shelby put the sticky tape around the sign to stick it on the box and Ivy, Charlotte and Hendrix also had a turn at putting the sticky tape around the signs.

Today we had some very helpers with all the children helping to clean the room,  they helped clean the tables, book shelf, wipe down the wooden building blocks and all the toys by helping to collect the toys and putting them into the soapy water. Miss Shelby said ” can you find what you think  can be washed in the water” Hendrix, Luca, Alanis, Dominic, Latika, Charlotte and Ivy looked around the room where they found home corner food and equipment, animal figures. blocks and stickle bricks that they thought could be washed so brought them over to put into the soapy water.

Miss Nads was lovely enough to give us some more recycling materials so Miss Shelby set them up at the table for the children to explore, investigate and imagine during their play,  our friends Latika and Alanis were busy exploring the different materials with Latika using the toilet rolls to stack ontop of each other and Alanis sorting the lids as she put the smaller lid into the bigger lid.

Other interests today were Hendrix looking at a book, he said ”its a bird while he pointed to the picture of the bird in the book. Charlotte clapped her hands along to BINGO song and both Dominic and Latika were enjoying playing with the hand puppets with Dominic saying ”quack, quack” with the duck puppet and Latika said ” spider” as showed Miss Shelby the spider puppet.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais