Happy Ist of August, cant believe its a new month and how fast this year is going. Today we welcome our friends Charlotte, Vaughn, Ivy, Taran, Evie, Latika , Luca and Dominic.

Today Evie and Taran spent the morning outside with Miss Jesse and Miss Leesa

During morning play while waiting for all our friends to arrive Miss Shelby brought out her special farm book- A surprise on the farm to share with Ivy, Luca, Dominic and Charlotte where they helped press the different animal buttons to hear the sounds the animals make. Books encourages the children to use their language and communication skills, while looking at this book it allowed the children to use their non-verbal and verbal language skills.

For morning tea Miss Kerry made some yummy muesli with choc chip bites which Ivy, Luca and Charlotte ate up and also had orange, raspberry and blueberries. Charlotte said ”it’s so yummy” while eating her morning. We also gave the children some vanilla and honey yogurt which they loved.

As the children have been showing a interest in pretending to cook in home-corner Miss Shelby brought out the yellow play dough with cup cake paddy cake pans and paddle pop sticks to make cakes and cup cakes. During this play dough experience Latika placed the paddle pop sticks standing up into the play dough, Charlotte sang Happy Birthday to herself singing Happy Birthday to Charlie and also Happy Birthday Miss Leesa and Miss Shelby. Ivy explored the play dough with her hands through rolling the play dough. Luca had a go at placing the play dough into the paddy cake pan and Vaughn explored the paddle pop sticks as he put them into the play dough.


Ivy and Vaughn demonstrated kindness and friendship with each other as they gave each other cuddles. Miss Shelby played some dancing music and Vaughn and Luca responded by dancing and moving their bodies along to the music.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais