Today Charlotte went up for a play with Miss Leesa and Miss Jess while Miss Shelby was in the room with our friends Ivy, Vaughn, Taran, Evie and Latika.

For morning tea the children ate fruit and banana cake, they demonstrated self help skills and independence by helping to put their food scraps in the bin and their dirty dishes on the table to be washed.They also showed that they can wait their turn as they lined up behind their friend and wait to use the bin.

After morning tea it was activity time where the children had the choice in what activities they wanted to do today with Evie, Taran and Ivy showing interest in the fruit sorter puzzle and moon magnet connectors. Latika then arrived and she joined in exploring the fruit sorter puzzle.

Mr Daniel was outside doing Arankan with the kindergarten children when Latika, Evie, Vaughn, Ivy and Taran were fascinated at watching what they were doing as they stood at the door watching. Latika and Taran showed kindness to their friend Vaughn by giving him a big cuddle which was beautiful to see.

Today we continued doing our body tracing, Ivy and Evie both wanted a turn as they laid down on the piece of paper and then Miss Shelby traced around the outline of their body. Ivy pointed to her body outline said” there” to show Miss Shelby what she had down. All the children then sat down together at the table to paint in the body outlines, they used sensory brushes and  coloured water dye to paint the body. While painting Miss Shelby said ” dab dab” to get the children to dab the brush up and down on the paper and Evie, Ivy, Latika and Taran all responded by coping Miss Shelby saying ” dab dab”.

As the sun came out we adventured outside for a little play where Vaughn, Evie , Latika and Ivy pressed the shaped pop-up buttons down on the turtle to watch the turtles head go into it’s shell.  Evie and Vaughn threw the ball to Miss Shelby and then caught it when she threw it back and Ivy wheeled the wheel barrow around. We then came back and did some Arakan with Mr Daniel where the children practiced using their fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills to practice their throwing skills.

For lunch Miss Kerry made the salad into a beautiful rainbow using the carrot, corn, beetroot, lettuce and cucumber

Miss Shelby