Happy Thursday Everyone, hope your having a wonderful week

Today Taran and Charlotte had a play up in toddler one with Miss Leesa and Miss Jess and Miss Shelby was in toddler two with Vaughn, Evie, Ivy and Latika.

Today Miss Shelby wanted to focus on the children’s physical development so outside she set up some physical activities-  walking stilts ,hula hoops, balls for throwing, wheel barrows for wheeling around and the balancing and bridge for balancing and walking along. So this morning we stayed outside longer to practice our balancing and walking skills on the balancing beam and bridge which Ivy, Taran, Charlotte and Vaughn doing a great job at balancing as they walked along the beam and onto the bridge. Taran and Ivy showed off how cleaver they are by balancing on the walking stilts.

After eating some yummy and healthy apple muesli, strawberries and custard for morning tea, Miss Shelby sat down to read a story about a dinosaur called My dinosaur dad. While reading the story Miss Shelby talked to the children about the colours of the dinosaurs with Charlotte recognising there was a green dinosaur on the book cover. All the children also made dinosaur noises with Miss Shelby saying ”raggh”

Vaughn, Evie and Ivy created their dinosaur footprints today using dinosaurs feet to paint the footprints with brown paint, they stomped the dinosaurs up and down on the paper to create the stomping imprints on the paper. Miss Shelby also brought out the green play dough again and added some circle lids for the children to use to create circles into the play dough, Evie, Ivy, Vaughn and Latika used the lids to press down to create the circle shapes in the play dough.

Ivy, Evie and Latika also made balls by rolling the play dough between their hands.

Miss Shelby