Today we welcome Taran, Charlotte, Luca, Evie, Hendrix, Dominic and Lachlan with Miss Shelby and Miss Steph

This morning Luca , Evie and Hendrix showed interest in the train track set. They demonstrated using their problem solving skills, fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills to connect the wooden train track together, Hendrix and Evie worked really well together sharing the wooden pieces of the train set.

The children were very engaged in the construction dress ups with Evie, Charlotte, Hendrix and Luca wearing the red and yellow construction hats and bright jackets.

Dress ups allows the children to use their imagination and creativity and also develop pretend and fantasy play.

Miss Shelby sat down with Dominic, Hendrix and Evie to read the wheel on the bus musical book, Dominic had a turn at pressing the buttons to hear the sounds, Hendrix did the actions to the wheels on the bus go round and round by moving his hands around in a circle and he also recognised the baby in the book saying ”baby crying”. Evie pretended she was asleep when Miss Shelby sang Evie on the bus went to sleep.

All the children were excited to see Miss Gabbi for Yoga they loved the bubbles with Taran, Charlotte, Evie and Hendrix using their words to say pop, pop, bubbles pop. Dominic gave Karma the Koala cuddles and Luca gave Mindful monkey big cuddles and kisses.

Miss Shelby and Miss Steph