07 5529 8744 [email protected]

Good Morning toddler two families

We begin our morning by welcoming Avery, Adem, Thomas, Beau, Edward, Noah, Finley, Oliver, Kynell, Peyton, Macsen, Max and Mia with warm cuddles and big smiles. Whilst all our friends were arriving Miss Hope set up a couple fun activities that the children had picked to play with that morning. We set up these activities all through the room including construction trucks on the car mat, colourful building block, cooking and playing with the baby dolls in home corner and reading books at the tables. Kynell and Finley were very interested and intrigued with the ‘dinosaur alphabet’ book, as they pointed at all the different dinosaurs they saw in the book with a smile on their faces. Thomas was drawn to the ‘why should i brush my teeth?’ book as he was curious to see what it was all about.

Once all our friends arrived and we had a fun little play indoors we started to tidy up the room to move on to a little run around in the yard before morning tea time. As we finished packing the toys away, we placed on our hats and heard a loud siren coming from outside, we open the doors and all went over to the other yard to have a look where the noise was coming from, as we got closer and closer we seen the big fire truck pulling into the centres carpark with bright red and blue lights flashing. We were all so excited to see the fire truck, Edward and Noah were yelling out “fire truck!” along with Beau and Adem we making the sounds of the fire truck as they parked up in front of our yard.

After a glance at the the fire truck we got a little closer to further explore the big truck, the fireman said a warm good morning and ask the children if they wanted to have a closer look into the fire truck. Edward, Noah ,Macsen, Avery, Adem, Max and Kynell had the special chance to sit down inside on the back seat of the fire truck, sadly the rain started pouring down mid way and the rest of our friends didn’t get a turn to hop in but they got special sticker from the firemen themselves.

After all the excitement we came inside for some yummy morning tea, this morning we had coconut strawberry delight served with a medley of seasonal fresh fruits. Once the children finished their scrumptious morning tea they went to the mat one by one and had some quite time playing with a variety of small activities such as building magnets, puppets and trains on the train tracks. This was a lovely way for our friends to wind down from the fun adventure we had earlier.

To finish our enjoyable morning we did a colourful drawing of a big fire truck, we used colours like red, yellow and orange to colour it in. Whilst our friends were colouring in we pulled out the bubbles to pop and listened to our favourite songs like sleeping bunnies and the freeze song.

Thank you toddler two friends for such a fabulous Tuesday! have an amazing end to your afternoon.

Much love Miss Hope, Miss Gabi and Miss Jess xx