When Miss Shelby arrived Kyro, Charlotte and Evie had already arrived to kindy so we all came outside together with Miss Leesa, Miss Jess and the toddler one friends. While walking to the babies room to go outside the children held hands with Evie and Kyro holding each others hand and Charlotte was holding her friends hand (Ellie from toddler one).
While outside Evie was throwing the ball to Miss Shelby, Kyro and Charlotte explored the beam bag animals – Charlotte saying ”pig”. Kyro looked very warm this morning wearing his beanie hat.
For morning tea Kyro, Taran, Evie and Charlotte ate up all the yummy pineapple, watermelon, orange and Mandarin. When asked if they would like some organic yogurt Charlotte and Taran responded by saying ” yes please”.
After morning tea Miss Gabby arrived for yoga time and our friend Latika also arrived to join us, during yoga Miss Gabby sang her Good Morning song to welcome Evie, Taran, Kyro, Charlotte and Latika to yoga and all the children stood up to join in dancing to the song with her. They gave cuddles to Karma Koala and Mindful monkey and laid down to have a tickle from the colourful feather.
Evie showed Kindness and gentleness to Kyro by rubbing his head when he laid down waiting to get ticked from Miss Gabby, Taran pointed to the Koala’s nose when Miss Gabby Koala’s nose.
Miss Shelby set up some paper and crayons to do some group drawing, in a group Latika, Kyro, Taran, Charlotte and Evie joined Miss Lyn around the table to do drawing with the crayons, they showing sharing and working together as they took it turns with the different coloured crayons.
Thank you all for a wonderful day toddlers two
Miss Shelby and Miss Thais