Today we welcome our friends Dominic, Latika, Lachlan H, Quinn, Hendrix, Alanis, Lachlan B, Luca, Charlotte and Alexia with Miss Shelby and Miss Thais.
We started our morning having a play outside with our toddler one friends and then joined Miss Shelby and Miss Thais on the mat for group time where Miss Shelby did different actions using her body parts, the children did a great job at copying Miss Shelby shake both hands, jumping up and down, rolling hands, patting head, touching nose, stomping feet and clapping hands
Miss Shelby brought in some black pretend Halloween spiders for a fun sensory messy play experience, the children explored the container of spiders, flour and water that Miss Shelby had created. It was so lovely hearing the children’s voices to express themselves while exploring the container with Hendrix saying ”ouch spider” when he found one. Lachlan B said ”bite me” when he touched a spider with his finger and Luca said ”wow” while looking in the container.
The children created a spider for Halloween using black paint to paint the spider, our friends Alexia, Quinn, Dominic, Latika and Lachlan chose to paint a spider. Latika was observed doing dots on the paper.
Luca and Quinn was interested in car today Miss Shelby brought out the car mat where they then played with the cars on the mat and our friends Lachlan B ,Alanis and Lachlan H joined them. Alexia was busy exploring all the different coloured building blocks in the box while Dominic and Latika played with the frog puppet on their hand- Miss Shelby sang ”Galoop went the frog” while they were playing with the puppet.
Miss Shelby and Miss Thais