Happy Tuesday, today we had a wonderful day in the toddlers two room with Miss Shelby and Miss Thais.

We started our day off playing in the toddler one room with Miss Jess and Miss Leesa while we waited for our friends and teachers to arrive and then again into our room for morning tea. After having their morning tea the children did a great job at packing away after themselves.

After monring tea time it was activity where the chidlren had the choice in what they wanted to do, Kyro found the box of shaped threading blocks so Miss Shelby brought them over to the table where Taran and Evie also joined in with making necklaces and building high towers with the different coloured and shaped blocks.

Miss Shelby brought in the sensory/texture balls from the babies room for the children to explore and play with, Lachlan, Taran and Evie used the balls to throw. Miss Thais had a great idea to use the balls to practice our throwing skills so she showed the children how to throw the balls into a basket.  Evie and Taran had a go at throwing the ball but couldn’t get it into the basket so placed the ball into the basket instead.

The children showed a interest in the large dinosaurs where they made the noises of a dinosaur and also patted the dinosaurs. Miss Shelby extended on the children’s interest of a dinosaur by printing off a picture of a dinosaur and providing green and blue water paint for them to paint the dinosaurs. Before having lunch Miss Shelby sang a dinosaur song and 5 little dinosaurs using the laptop, the children counted along to the 5 little dinosaur song.

At lunch time Lachlan really enjoyed the lasange as he used his words to ask for more, Charlotte arrived just in time for lunch.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais