Happy Wednesday Everyone, today we welcome Hendrix, Latika, Ivy, Kyro, Charlotte and Luca

Today we started our day off having a longer play outside as we went outside later as it was cold.

Today’s focus was on animals so we painted animal masks using coloured water paint, Kyro painted a monkey, Hendrix said he wanted to be a lion so go to paint the lion mask and he also showed us his hands after saying ”look my hands” and Charlotte and Ivy painted a elephant with Charlotte saying she want to do elephant.

Miss Shelby set up the animal magnets with the white boards for the children to explore and place the animals onto the board, Charlotte recognised the monkey and pretended to be a monkey by making monkey sounds, Hendrix recognised and named the hippo and frog, Ivy said crocodile while showing Miss Shelby the crocodile magnet and Latika looked all the different animal magnets and showed Miss Shelby and Miss Jacky the different animals.

Together Charlotte , Ivy and Hendrix sat with Miss Shelby to do a farm animal puzzle, while looking at the animal pieces Miss Shelby sang Old McDonald had a farm, they responded by making the noises of the pig, sheep, cow and horse.

Home- corner was very popular today with Luca especially enjoying exploring the different cooking utensils and food, Miss Jacky sat with Luca looking at the wooden eggs and Ivy, Charlotte and Hendrix came over to join in with them both.

For group time we sang lots of animal songs- 5 little ducks, Old McDonald had a farm, 5 specked frogs, this little piggy went to market and baby shark. Miss Shelby also brought her special animal sound books out to share – A surprise on the farm and Monkey business at the zoo, while reading the stories we made the different sounds of the animals and pressed the buttons on the book to hear the different noises of the animal.

Miss Shelby and Miss Jacky