Happy Wednesday Everyone!!

Today we welcome our friends Latika, Luca, Hendrix, Kyro , Ivy, Charlotte, Vaughn, Quinn and Alanis from the babies room.

This morning Miss Thais set up the animals and white boards which Kyro, Hendrix, Quinn and Ivy were really engaged in doing as they placed the different animals onto the white board. This activity encourages the children to use and develop their fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills.

Today we extended on Vaughn’s interest of puzzles by providing more challenging puzzles, together at the table our friends Kyro,Vaughn, Quinn, Hendrix had a go at the puzzles- Ivy helped Miss Shelby put together the number puzzle, she recognised the numbers one and two by pointing to the numbers on the puzzle board. Hendrix helped put together the number farm puzzle and he recognised and named some of the animals on the puzzle pieces.

Together both Vaughn and Luca worked together to put the coloured shaped puzzles on the puzzle stand, they demonstrated sharing and turn-taking with each other. Alanis also joined in with Luca sharing and turn- taking with the coloured shaped puzzle pieces.

Today Ivy, Charlotte and Kyro continued to make their special gift which they were excited to do.

Today the children enjoyed making things out of the blue play dough, rolling pins and cutters- Hendrix said he was making snakes, Charlotte said she was making twinkle little stars, Ivy used the rolling pin to flatten the play dough, Alanis explored the animal cutters and Latika used the star cutter to press down into the play dough.

Miss Shelby brought in a special book to share with her friends ”Daddy’s little star” Alanis and Quinn sat down to look at the book, together with Miss Shelby they looked at all the different pictures and talked about what they could see.

Miss Shelby and Miss Thais