Hello families and friends and welcome to another fun-filled week of learning and play in the Toddler rooms. This week we are celebrating “Book Week” at Kindy  Today our friend Ivy brought along her favourite book ‘Moana’ from home. Ivy also came dressed in costume as Moana. Harvey came dressed as a green dragon which he proudly showed off to his peers. The children all gathered on the mat to listen carefully to the Moana story book and study the beautiful pictures. Miss Lyn then played some of the Moana songs for the children to sing and dance along to. We will be sharing books all this week for group times as well as playing dress-ups to represent some of our favourite characters from books.

Other play experiences today included transport play with the magnetic trains, role play with the doll house, puzzle play, identifying and negotiating roles during home corner play and singing along to some of our favourite nursery rhymes with puppets…

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Lyn