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Hi Families! We hope you are having a fantastic Thursday.

Today we spent the morning outside, going around and exploring the yard and chatting with our friends about how important it is to treat our plants, flowers and trees nicely and with respect. We spoke about what they need to grow, how the sun helps and how we need to give them drinks of water to help them grow big and strong, just like us! Our friends took this very seriously and off then went to get watering cans, filling them up and watering all of our plants in the yard.

Later in the morning, we went inside for our yummy morning tea which had delicious bliss balls and a fruit platter, the children loved this and gobbled it all up! We then began our mother’s day craft which the toddlers really enjoyed playing. Harrison was painting and said “for mummy” and Harry told us “I love my mummy”. As Colton was painting, he was telling us all the different colours “red, pink, green”. Everlea, Luca and Vaughan really enjoyed playing in home corner today, Vaughan was carrying around his pot and spoon, cooking up an egg for his lunch saying ”egg”. Everlea was busy lining up the babies and then putting them one by one into bed for a sleep. Luca also enjoyed playing with the egg and pan, however his favourite today were the instruments, he loved walking around the room banging on his little bongo drum.

This afternoon we are having a little party for our friend from Toddler 2, Dominic’s birthday, with balloons, cupcakes and dancing! Happy Birthday Dominic!

We hope you all had a good day and we cant wait to see you all again tomorrow.

Lots of love, Miss Danna and Miss Bea xx