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Hello Parents and Friends!
Happy Friday and warm welcome from toddlers two!

Another wonderful day to explore and spend time with our friends around here. Our day began with our friends enjoying the fresh breeze and the warm sun around the yard. After putting our hats on and slap some sunscreen was time to start our adventure around the playground.
All kids were so excited to explore the environment – enjoying each other companies and sharing smiles and cuddles our popular spots in the playground were:
– Sharing the swing with our friends;
– Pretending they were driving a little car and giving ride to their friends;
– Running and having fun crossing the bridge,
– Playing in the sand sharing toys and digging holes.

After we had so much playing with our friends we all set down in a selected part of the playground for the Anzac ceremony that happens around here today –  All children from babies 1, 2, 3 and toddlers 1 and 2 sat outdoors on the stage with mat filled with pillows and chairs for the children and educators. We all sat down to listen to miss Emma talk to the children about Anzac Day and ready us a beautiful children’s Anzac book, at the end of our group time miss Emma played the Anzac tribute song while we all sat quietly for one minute. Was beautiful to see our friends in the ceremony then was time to started our morning routine.

After morning tea we resolved to come inside the classroom to explore a different scenario, today we had a very special day celebrating Spencer`s Birthday 🙂 In our group activity we had a cooking class to make cup cakes for Spencer. We organize the materials for it materials needed for the cooking activity such as a mixing bowl, cupcake tray, patty pan, big spoon. The children were able to use fine motor skills while mixing the cupcakes ingredients together using the utensils. They poured the cake mixture into the mixing bowl, and then began to stir it all together. They had a turn of mixing on their own blending the ingredients to make the cake batter.
The children also enjoyed playing with blocks, home corner, read book in the group mat and much more. 🙂

Now we are having a lovely rest time in our beds listening to soft music and relaxing by charging our energy for another big play outside in the afternoon.
And we also would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our beautiful friend SPENCER!!! ♥

have a beautiful long weekend! 🙂

With love,

Miss Gabi, Miss Hope and Miss Lais.