Good Afternoon Families,

Today we started our morning in the yard with our friends. We showed great interest in the bikes and the sandpit today. At the moment we love trying to make sandcastles and then stepping on them as we are laughing. We also are loving to dig big and deep holes in the sand, this is so much fun!

We then came inside to wash our hands and eat our morning tea. After morning tea, we had our daily group time where Miss Lyn sat us down on the mat and read us a book and sang us songs. It was good to have Miss Lyn in the room with us for the morning. After group time and a little bit of indoor free play with the dolls, magnetic and building blocks, and home corner, we then decided to go back outside.

We had a visit from our two horse friends today, as they popped their head over the fence to say hello, we fed them some grass. We love seeing our horse friends up close! They are so big… some of us were a little scared but it was still amazing!!

We continued to play in the yard for a little longer, jumping off the balancing beams and throwing the balls around to each other. We then came inside for lunch.

We have had such a great morning and cannot wait to see what the afternoon brings us.

See you all soon, Miss Thais and Miss Bec