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Good afternoon families,

Today we started our day indoor due to the weather. Onyx asked for Wiggles and then we dancing to wiggles with our friends to warm up our body. During our Group Time today, Miss Thais sat with us on the mat sang our Good morning song, and read the Book “The very hungry caterpillar”. Miss Thais also asked some questions to our friends about the food that the caterpillar ate. They were very engaged during the conversation. We are creating a big caterpillar in our Room with children Artwork from this week.

The children could choose between outdoor and indoor play. Outside we extended on our “caterpillar” theme with sensory green playdough with a purple pipe cleaner to create caterpillars ears with Miss Bec and Miss Maddi while inside the children had some quiet time reading books and playing with the felt board.

Now we are sleeping and recharging energy for later. Hope the weather is going to be alright so we can explore more the yard.

Love Miss Thais, Miss Bec and Miss Maddi