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Hello Families and Friends 🙂
Happy Wednesday!

Today we welcome in our classroom Jackson B, Indi, Jackson, Mathias, Cameron, Edward, Leiana, Oliver, Macsen and Noa!

Another beautiful and playful morning around here!
Our day began with our friends having so much fun in the yard enjoying the sunny morning -Our friends were so excited to explore the environment outside today. The favourite experiences in the yard were climbing and practicing big jumps on the circuit course; watching through the fence to say “hello” to the horses, running over the bridge, catch and throw balls, playing in the see-sow.
Also we decided enjoying the fresh breeze in the playground to do group time- Today Miss Jess read a book that calls ” when the windy blow”  the children got engaged in the story and showed great listening skill.

Time flies when we are having a nice time with our friends – then was time to sing our morning songs and doing our morning routine.
After washing hands was time for morning tea – Today toddlers two had the opportunity to self-serve themselves using tongs to pick they favourite food from a big plate. The children practice their motor fine skills and self help skills. They also took turn to share the tongs and sharing the fruits for everybody. 🙂

With our tummies full we resolved to stay inside the classroom to explore a different scenario. In our group learning activities today we had Miss Gabi doing a sensory experience practicing small muscle and fine motor skills using playdough pasta and Straw – Our friends should to fit the pasta onto the straw and let it slide down. Repeat again and again because Toddlers learn through repetition.
On the other side of the table area we had Miss Hope doing a water paint they happily made their way to the table to paint and express their creativity drawing their families and help each other identify colours.  Our friends also had the opportunity to explore the environment around and search for their self-interest play as a building with blocks and magnetics, rule play and home corner, puppets, read book and much more.

Before lunch time we had another group experience then everybody sat down on the mat and listened our friend Jackson talked about his family holiday to Cairns. He showed to his friends the photos and told was about his adventure.  Was beautiful to see they sharing this special moments with each other! ♥

It was so much going on, so much noise, and so much fun around here today! 🙂

Now they are having a lovely rest time on our beds listening to soft music for having another amazing playtime in this afternoon!

With Love

Miss Gabi, Miss Jess and Miss Hope