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Welcome back to another fun week in the Toddlers Room here at Riversdale Early Learning! After a delicious morning tea of fruit, yoghurt and muesli, the children moved off to various activities around the room. Harry started joining pieces of the train track together. Miss Jess came over and asked if he wanted some help. Harry replied “help please”. So Harry and Miss Jess sat on the mat creating a big track. Soon Harvey and Ellie came over to see what was happening on the mat. Pretty soon the three Toddler friends sat around the edge of the mat and watched as the trains travelled around the track.

Later on in the morning, Miss Jess set a clay activity up on the tables. The children came over to investigate what was had been placed out. Ellie picked it up and started manipulating it in her hands. “Ewwww, its sticky” Ellie said. “Yeah. Sticky” Harvey added. However that didn’t seem to deter the Toddlers. ”Frog” Harvey said proudly as he pointed to his clay creation. Harry then joined his friends at the table to partake in this sensory activity. They all mushed the clay in their hands and between their fingers, as well as moving it around the table and seeing how it spread so easily.

Today Ellie brought in a book called ‘Thelma the Unicorn’. During our afternoon Yarn Time, Miss Leesa is going to read the book to our friends and a few of our highly requested train books.

Love Miss Leesa & Miss Jess