Happy Monday families and friends! The children in the Toddler room had a wonderful day of fun and play at kindy today. This morning we started the day outdoors as the children explored and engaged in a variety of play experiences including  transport play, ball play and chasing and catching bubbles. We then transitioned indoors for our morning yarn time and morning tea. Today the children chose the story ‘Wombat went-a-Walking’ to share on the mat. The children chose their favourite Australian animals from the book including a crocodile, wombat and kookaburra. Play time today the children enjoyed movement to music as they made patterns with the rainbow ribbons. Group time the children chose some of their favourite songs and rhymes as Miss Leesa collected her finger puppets and felt stories. Ellie, Kaylee and Sophie chose the turtle puppets while Harley, Harry and Harvey chose incy wincy spider. Wow… What a super busy day in the Toddler room today.

Until next time…

Love Miss Leesa and Miss Jess.