Good afternoon and welcome to Toddlers One!
This morning we welcomed Winston, Quintin, Diego, Ariana, Liz, Lara, Obi, Luna, Halle, Bella, Augie, Ruby, Delilah, and Thomas outdoors! This morning we had a dance party, we blew bubbles, balanced on the obstacle course, and played chase around and around the bike track.
As the morning went on half of us transitioned indoors for morning tea with the other half of us stayed outdoors for Arakan, we then rotated groups! For morning tea this morning we enjoyed Magic Breaky Muffins and for Arakan we practiced our throwing skills today!
Afterwards, it was time for group time! During group today we moved into 2 groups – indoor and outdoor. Indoors we had the opportunity to engage in clay moulding, painting our favourite animals or spontaneous play. Outdoors we repeated our sand scooping into bottles activity because we enjoyed it so much and it helps to strengthen our motor skills! After enjoying group time today we all transitioned outdoors together for a busy time of spontaneous play with Toddlers Two! When it was time to transition indoors for lunch we sat down with Miss Thais to calm our bodies, we read “When I am a Big Brother” and “Roadworks” together and sung the one and only “Bee Bee Bumble Bee”. For lunch today we enjoyed Crispy Potato Rosti and Vegie Pom Poms – Very delicious!
We are resting our bodies now and we will see you this afternoon!
Much Love; Miss Thais, Jordan and Maddi