Good afternoon toddler one families,
Today we welcomed Abel, Diego, Charlie and Millie. We started our morning playing in the Yard and dancing with Miss Maddi. We also went for a “bear hunt” where we all followed the instructions very carefully.
Before we transitioned indoors we read “Brush, brush, brush” and Miss Gabi and Thais also questioned the children “Do you brush your teeth day and night?”. We had our delicious morning tea indoors and we got ready for our activity time that we decided to do outdoors.
The children got a basket with big teeth and different toothbrushes. The task was to brush all the teeth very well using their motor skills up and down. They really enjoyed the activity. After activity time the children help themselves with the 2 wheels bike. They have been enjoying role-playing “fixing” the bikes and also riding bikes around the bike track.
We transitioned indoors for our lunch and we enjoyed being self-served at the table. The children were able to use the tongs and help themselves during mealtime.
Stay safe
Love Miss Thais, Gabi, Jordan and Maddi